• When I was looking at a possible job change you talked with me, and supported me even as both of us were unsure of the path I was pursuing. I’m not sure I would have survived it without your sensitive support. . . . Kathie
  • That first August morning when I shared my shameful secret, you offered warmth and acceptance. I left feeling like I had made a friend from whom I would not need to hide. . . . Jordan
  • Thank you for helping us through the most difficult period of our marriage. Because you helped me me understand the nature of this type of mental illness I have been able to help others. . . . Sharon
  • If anyone ever needed a Spiritual Guide to help sustain her fast dwindling faith, it was I. I thank God that I found that in you. . . . Comfort
  • Your faith is contagious! . . . Verna
  • I not only feel closer to God because of you, but with your help I’ve overcome so much fear, even the fear of speaking in front of people. . . . Cherry
  • You have led me into a deeper awareness of God’s love for me and through me. . . . Joyce
  • You have an inspirational way of keeping the road cleared. . . . Erik
  • A crazy year and you’ve been with me every step of the way. You’ve been my rock and I can’t thank you enough. . . . Rose
  • Thank you for being you . . . and always being there for me. . . . Amie

Z Links


Center for Integral Wisdom

The center is the brain child and life work of my dear friend Marc Gafni, D.Phil. The number of projects going on at the Center will spin your brain! It is wonderful to see so many excellent people be so involved. There are projects in business with John Mackay, CEO, Whole Foods, Gender Studies with John Gray (of Mars and Venus fame), and it will soon be the nhome of the World Spirituality Project which I am directing.


Patheos is the largest inter-religious site on the web. They do a wonderful job of hosting the conversation. The people who run it are first rate. They want to be commercially successful, sure, but they very much want to do that while serving a higher purpose.

Index of Materials on Rev. Samuel G. Alexander for Search Committees

I am currently seeking a position as an Interim Pastor. This site gathers the information, sermons, resume, and so on, that a search committee might need. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions!


A site dedicated to using neuroplastic mechanisms to manage persistent pain. If you suffer from persistent pain, there is enough information on this site – especially in the workbook section – to make a radical change in your life.

James Emmet

Jim Emmet is my cousin. This site is a bit off topic for me. Jim is an academic at heart. He is currently working on a magnum opus that synthesizes the enormous reading he’s done in history, philosophy, politics, economics and theology. He has read more than anyone I know. (That’s saying something since I know Ken Wilber.) When he digests a book, he writes what amount to “book reports” on them. These aren’t slap dash reports though; they are thoughtful analyses of the work and include substantive quotes along the way. If you don’t want to actually read Thomas Picketty for instance, you could go to Jim’s site and read a first rate synopsis of the book. I’ve been encouraging him to put these up on the web, so if you do read one, please leave a comment. That way he’ll know it is worth doing.

Unique Self Coaching Collective

This site is home base for the work my wife Barbara, Claire, a number of our friends, and I are doing to use the Unique Self Coaching Process. We believe there are applications for this process that we’ve not even begun to consider. Join us, get trained and see if you can find ways to use it too! Members of the collective, (an astonishing, wonderful, group of people), aren’t competing. We’re encouraging each other.

Barbara Alexander

My wife Barbara, a Therapist in private practice for 20+ years, is now practicing as a Unique Self Coach. Before developing the process with Claire, Barbara trained in everything from Gestalt Therapy, to Intergral Coaching, to Spiritual Direction. She holds a M.A. in Counseling Psychology, and an M.Div. Take my word for it, she’s magic. People just open up to her and when they do, they are very glad they did.

Claire Molinard

Claire is certified by Integral Coaching Canada Inc.® to use their method for personal development and sustainable change. In addition, with Barbara, she co-created the Unique Self Coaching – a spiritual development technology that facilitates the emergence of one’s Unique Self. In the last 20 years, she’s lived and worked on four continents in various capacities for private foundations and NGOs in Angola and Nigeria, in service of women and children. For the last eight she’s been working in personal development as a coach. None of that describes her grace, her sensitivity and her courage as she encourages her clients through the growth process. I know that because she has coached me.

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