• When I was looking at a possible job change you talked with me, and supported me even as both of us were unsure of the path I was pursuing. I’m not sure I would have survived it without your sensitive support. . . . Kathie
  • That first August morning when I shared my shameful secret, you offered warmth and acceptance. I left feeling like I had made a friend from whom I would not need to hide. . . . Jordan
  • Thank you for helping us through the most difficult period of our marriage. Because you helped me me understand the nature of this type of mental illness I have been able to help others. . . . Sharon
  • If anyone ever needed a Spiritual Guide to help sustain her fast dwindling faith, it was I. I thank God that I found that in you. . . . Comfort
  • Your faith is contagious! . . . Verna
  • I not only feel closer to God because of you, but with your help I’ve overcome so much fear, even the fear of speaking in front of people. . . . Cherry
  • You have led me into a deeper awareness of God’s love for me and through me. . . . Joyce
  • You have an inspirational way of keeping the road cleared. . . . Erik
  • A crazy year and you’ve been with me every step of the way. You’ve been my rock and I can’t thank you enough. . . . Rose
  • Thank you for being you . . . and always being there for me. . . . Amie

Pricing Information for Coaching

Pricing Information for Coaching

Pain Price List

Unique Self Coaching

The First Four Sessions Are Key

Breaking Through Your Pain is a specific application of the Unique Self Coaching Process. Each focuses on a “growth edge” a change you would like to make in your life – one you have struggled to make in the past. In Pain Coaching that “growth edge” or goal is predetermined. We will work together so that you are able to manage your pain and live a more complete and creative life. Those who come to me for Unique Self Coaching generally come with a “growth edge” in mind, but I’m happy to talk about what that might be during our first meeting together. The first hour is always free, whatever brings you to me, by all means get in touch and we will explore the possibilities. The Unique Self Coaching Process has proven to be a powerful change technology. It begins with the Immersion Phase where using several exploration tools, we gather together a comprehensive view of how you perceive yourself in the world. This perspective is often invisible to you. Not only is it invisible but it also unknowingly prevents you from making the changes you desire. Understanding that perspective is the work of the first four sessions.

Once we have a clear picture of your perspective and exactly what you wish to change, we move to the Emergence Phase of the process. In this phase you utilize individualized practices designed to develop the capacities you need to make change possible.

I feel privileged to work with you in this way. It is a significant investment of your time, energy and money, and I take that very seriously. I strive to offer you the kind of support and insight that can help you develop and grow. But you need to do the work. The process works; I’ve seen it. In fact it has worked in my life, but you have to engage it for it to make any real difference.

I think it is usually best to begin with a free introductory visit to talk about logistics and to give us each a chance to find out whether we would like to work together. This introductory conversation is not one of the first four sessions.

Generally coaching programs take between six to twelve months, meeting 2-3 times a month. Meeting once per month is workable, but beyond that the continuity of the process is lost.

To begin the process I ask you to commit to 4 sessions because those 4 sessions are critical to the rest of the process. This 4 session “package” includes:

  • Immersion – two 1 ½ hour sessions for exploration. This phase uses various assessment tools, some of which you will work on before the first session.
  • Emergence – two 1 hour sessions where you receive your coaching program and begin with two individualized practices. This work starts you on your way to dismantling the perspectives that are holding you back.
  • My assessment and design work between sessions. There is significant work for me to do between these early sessions. It takes one to two hours.

I use a sliding scale to determine my fees. We can talk about what is appropriate for you to pay during our introductory visit. The sliding scale for the first four sessions is $995 to $1445.

You may pay this in full before our first scheduled appointment for a 10% discount, or in two payments payable at the first and third session.

Continuing work is done at the regular Session rate of  $145 to $195 with a 10% discount offered for five sessions paid in advance.


I offer coaching in person in my office in San Anselmo, or on Skype.

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